The next morning Neil was so scared he had a shit...
Our good friends Bill and Dom decided to do the route as well. Below Dom just finishing the first pitch.
As the guide says, the Trip has many classic pitches and many..not so classic, which was very true. There are a couple of really long rivet/bolt ladders and a couple of loose sections.
So without too much ado we topped out mid morning on the 4th day. Another wicked climb with a great friend.
So warm up complete.............Mescalito time.
I remember hearing about this route 2 years ago on our first trip to the Valley, two guys had to bail off of it because their ledge broke.
I looked it up in the guide book and was hooked upon reading the discription, "Mescalito is steep sustained and exceptional. It is hard to imagine a better route up a more incredible wall". Well, this route had to happen.
The base sorting out all of our crap.
After fixing the first 4 pitches and spending a fortune on beer and cliff bars we drank some free coffee and got on the wall.
Neil is cooking bitch this morning!!
The corner pitches are quite difficult as they have a lot of crap flared pin scars into which cams and nuts don't really want to go. I ended up doing move after move on shit cam hooks that kept skidding and on a couple of occasions upon testing, ripped and hit me in the helmet.
If we had hammered it would have been easy and much safer, but it goes clean you just have to man up and stop being a whimp. As I was filling my pants on one pitch inparticluar believing that if this terd ham hook ripped I would pull everything below me and land on Neil's head (in reality I was probably just being a pussy) a helicopter appeared and began rescueing someone off the Nose.
This didn't exactly help with the concentration levels.......those things are noisy when a couple of hundred feet away.
The next few days involved some really fun pulling on gear.. the molar traverse, and some long thin pitches linked by bad rivets and dowles.
Neil starting the molar traverse.
Pitch above the Molar Traverse
For the first 3 days or so we were always looking forward to arriving at the Bismark Ledge, which after not seeing a ledge for days is like sex, Christmas and drinking Double Hop all at the same time.
Once we reached it we cracked open the beers and turned up the Ipod.....
Moving up the Bismark pitch the next morning.
The worst thing about Mescalito was the hauling. For some reason, Neil insisted that we bring all his personal shit like shampoo, conditioner, hair brush, dental floss, anal floss...the list goes on. All this stuff ended up weighing about 200kg, so we had to haul 2-1, which was a nightmare. The hauling would take an hour a pitch.
Then, after a massive mincing session lasting around 5 or 6 days, we arrived at the top, as usual, completely blagging our way up the wall, with no idea what we were doing, but somehow learning on the job and having a small amount of fun at the same time.