Whatched Will take a whipper of some E4 round the corner, VERY EXCITE!!!!
We then hit up the Bath (matlock bath. i can say that cos i have been there) for some chips and a cheaky pint. yum yum
Then chauffeur Mr Rob Lay drove us up to Burbage South car park...which we found after driving past the bloody thing about 5 times.
Rob and Will slept in the car, i was truffed outside to enjoy a night on the Mondo, only to wake up at 2am to find my sleeping bad covered in a massive frost and then for it to slowly melt as the morning arrived...didn't really help the mould situation that my sleeping bag is already trying to cope with.
After a peanut butter sandwhich, and some shit coffee we headed up to the crag. To warm up i decided to do the knock (E4/5) which perhaps was a little keen as my hands became freezing straight away and apparently i missed a good hold at the the top. Anyway good route, slightly shocked to hear George F fell off at the top ..........must have hurt a bit...the mans a nutter.
After that Mr Lay was keen for a bit of Life Assurance action so i sent him on a beta recon mission and armed with that flashed it, Rob quickly followed.
last route of the day was Nosveratu E6 6b which came highly recomended by Foster, and rightly so. Amazing route one of the best route i have done in the peak (thats not saying much tho cos only done about 10) after jumping off the bottom a few times trying to work out the moves i did it to the top, pritty cool dyno at the top as well.
Good trip. here are few pics.
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